Thursday, April 21, 2016


Call For Art ­ Our 4th Exhibit at Limani Seafood Grill!

The Westfield Art Association is pleased to be exhibiting member art at the Limani Seafood Grill at 235 North Ave W, Westfield. Owner George Vastardis is always sad to see the previous work come down but is looking forward to a new showing of art for his customers to enjoy. We are currently seeking artwork of all mediums and styles (unfortunately not sculpture) of works about 20 x 25 outside measurement. Also one large piece for his back dining room space about 40 x 40. Since warm spring weather is finally here, let's hang some pleasant outdoor scenes, people enjoying activities, or colorful still life, to view while dining. Artwork will hang for the months of May and June.

This exhibition is only open to active members.  Now is the perfect opportunity to join the WAA or renew your membership to take advantage of this and upcoming exhibition opportunities. You may become a member or renew your membership immediately by accessing our member option to the right of this page. 

Active Westfield Art Assoc members please send 3 or 4 jpgs for submission, not previously shown to​ Put in the subject: Limani Spring Exhibit. For each piece please list your name, title, outside framed dimensions, medium and price if for sale. Deadline is 5:00 pm Tuesday May 3rd, 2016. Selected artists will be promptly notified with further instructions. Works accepted must be properly wired for hanging on picture hooks.

Thanks for participating in this WAA exciting opportunity to show your work! Any questions, email Ginny Puskar at: 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Recap: Our National Poetry Month celebration in Westfield

The Westfield Art Association, in partnership with Gallery U, hosted a wonderful public celebration or poetry & art this past Sunday with events both outside & in. The corner of South Ave & Westfield Ave was a bustle of activity, with the Creativity Caravan's Tiny Book Show parked at the corner and open for visitors to explore hundreds of handmade books or to join in the fun of making books and writing poetry down the sidewalk in chalk. Inside, the gallery hosted a poetry reading in support of their on-going Ekphrasis exhibit.

Robert Langdon reads poetry inside the gallery while the Tiny Book Show events go on outside

Participants explore the wonderfully tiny books outside in the bright sunlight 

Many poets combined their efforts to create poetry on the sidewalk

Union County Freeholder B.J. Kowalsky visits with Amy Tingle inside the Creativity Caravan

Good-bye Tiny Book Show & thanks for helping us celebrate National Poetry Month!

Friday, April 15, 2016

WAA Celebrates National Poetry Month this Sunday, April 17, 2016 from 1 - 4 PM

The Westfield Art Association (WAA) is pleased to celebrate the 20th anniversary of National Poetry Month in April with a day of activities for adults and children of all ages. The event will take place outside on the corner of South Avenue West and Westfield Avenue (one block from the south entrance of the Westfield train station) on Sunday, April 17, 2016, from 1-4 PM. All are welcome and the event is free of charge.

 The WAA is hosting a visit from the Creativity Caravan — a vintage 1965 trailer  that fosters the appreciation for creativity — to help Westfield and the surrounding communities celebrate the written word. Cataloged inside the  Creative Caravan is The Tiny Book Show, a traveling exhibit of miniature books hand made by artists and writers from around the world. Participants will have the opportunity to view the books during the event and experience first hand the influence of art and words throughout the world.

 Hands-on activities for people all ages that encourage an appreciation for poetry and creativity will be held throughout the day. In addition, a poetry reading will be held inside Gallery U Boutique at 2 PM as part of their “Ekphrasis: Art & Words” exhibit which pairs artists and poets in inspiring one another’s art.

The activities planned by the WAA to celebrate National Poetry Month are sure to  introduce participants to the idea that poetry can be more accessible than one may think. Many participants will walk away from the event with a fresh idea of the power of personal expression through words and art, and the beginning of a life-long love for visual arts and the written word.

Gallery U celebrates National poetry Month with Ekphrasis: Art & Words consisting of an exhibition of art and poetry— side-by-side — that includes local artists and poets inspiring one another. Existing poetry was collected by invited poets and artwork was curated from artists throughout New Jersey. Artists and poets were given the opportunity to choose selected poems or pieces of art that spoke to them and to create a new piece of art—be it a visual art piece or poem—based on the original inspiration. Exhibition will be on view through May 2, 2016